Is that subject line aging me? 😬
It’s a wonderfully sunny morning here in Chicago, finally! We’ve had a bit of a heat wave this week but it’s cooled off today. I can’t wait to get outside because — I’ve taken the day off! PTO FTW! My company has a holiday on Monday to celebrate Juneteenth, meaning I’ve got a FOUR DAY WEEKEND. I’m thrilled. I’m hoping to get out and enjoy the city a bit. I feel like I’ve been waiting ages for summer.
We started watching The Circle this week and it’s already so much fun. My inner teen is totally fangirling over the Spice Girls. I’m only three (I think?) episodes in though, so no spoilers, please! I think the Carol game is looking pretty strong, but we’ll have to see how well he can maintain it. Can I also just say — that cake decorating game they do is such a huge reveal! If you’re going to be on the show, make sure you can decorate a cake if you’re gonna catfish. Or uh, learn about foundation (reference from a past season makeup challenge).
Still patiently waiting for the remainder of Stranger Things to drop.
I’ve got a healthy amount of goodies to share this week — so much so that I think I might actually have to CHOOSE what goes in the newsletter so it’s not unreadably long. Truly an overwhelming amount of internet out there, folks.
On to the drop:
Headline of the Week
From Metro: "Residents in parts of northwest British Columbia were left in the dark for ‘more than 8 hours’, according to local reports. The little critter had gnawed its way through an aspen tree which subsequently fell on fibre optic cables belonging to telecoms provider Telus.”
To be fair, this is the fault of humans. But this is also very funny. Maybe we’ll learn our lesson about putting wires through the beaver’s habitat! (We will not.)
This week, I also have a headline honorable mention (from NBC News):
I don’t even know why I try to write satire when this is real life.
Who Approved This Product?
I —
No. No, we’re not going to do this. No.
I know what they’re doing. “Don’t you want to stretch your legs out? Wouldn’t that be nice?” Not at the expense of having my face at a stranger’s ass-level on what I can only describe as a giant fart container in the sky.
This seat comes complete with absolutely no baggage allowance! Snacks, drinks, and napkins are available for purchase, and a flight attendant kicks you once in each shin during the boarding process.
Also, as an aside, the article calls this “The Chaise Longue”, and the word “longue” is even in the damn URL. Like, did you not get the red squiggles under that the first time around? This isn’t like a random blog, or some substack a person is writing with absolutely no editing whatsoever (ahem). Spell check, my dude.
Oh, yeah. Yeah this makes sense. The moral of the story that the creator was trying to tell was definitely “this is good, let’s do it in real life”. I’m so glad that we, as a society, can understand metaphors.
Finally, if you’re not familiar with Dall-E, it’s a neural network that’s designed to create images from text. I don’t know who approved this one, but I’m happy they did. The reason? It’s sprouted the Dall-E Mini, which allows regular ol’ folks like you and me to go in and ask it to create ridiculous images. Check out the Twitter account @weirddalle for some fun.
Throwback Friday
Okay so I’m not quite hitting the alliteration or whatever, but everyone needs this video in their life.
Writers, What’s Wrong With Us?
Sometimes we have to Google weird things to get specific information for something we’re writing. Information that would look oddly suspicious to anyone reading our search histories. But this is taking it to a whole new level:
Yikes. 😳
I’m Being Personally Attacked
Randomly Selected Animal Cutie
*pat pat* *patpatpat*
Hope y’all have a great weekend! Wear sunscreen & hydrate!