Hello and happy Friday! Coming to you today from cloudy Alvin, Texas. I’m here visiting my parents and attending family Christmas parties tomorrow! They just got their dogs back from training so I am fully immersed in wagging tails and puppy kisses, which is fan-freaking-tastic.
Here’s a fun little nugget from my trip — I posted this on my Instagram yesterday:
Last time I glanced, about 53% of y’all are familiar with the housing of the crayfish, aka the “crawdad”, “crawdaddy,” or “mudbug”. Yes, they live down in that little hole. My mom used to catch them as a kid by putting bologna on a piece of string and lowering it down. My main interaction with them was kicking these little dirt mounds over on the soccer field so they didn’t get in our way during practice. Yes, I am crawdads’ godzilla. 🤷♀️
So…who watched the White Lotus finale on Sunday? SPOILER ALERT, I’m going to be talking about it very shortly! Mostly because at least 50% of my online consumption this week has been related memes. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It feels so much more rare these days to have a show that’s released serially and is compelling enough that you want to stick with it week by week for the reveals. Plus, there’s the fun of enjoying all the online conversations happening online after the episodes!
ANYhoo…Let’s get on to the Content™!
White Lotus
First up on the docket is just a few of my favorite White Lotus-related memes from the week.

One other thing. Yes, I loved White Lotus. Yes, I’m going to start His Dark Materials as soon as I get home. But HBO is on my shitlist right now because of this:

Could everyone just BE COOL TO ARTISTS PLEASE? Also, not only are they taking away Westworld’s final season, the one where they probably would have explained everything (I’m sure I would have absolutely understood it after season 5, right?), but now we can’t even watch the rest of it? Like it never existed. Maybe we’re the robots after all.
I’m Being Personally Attacked
Honestly pissed that someone managed to capture this image of me every morning.

*cue George Michael in Arrested Development with Charlie Brown music* Don’t even get me STARTED on the AI children’s book fiasco! Again. Please. Let’s be nice to artists.
I’m Gonna Have to Google This, Aren’t I
Buccal fat? Jaw filler? I needed to know more, so I went to my favorite resources: Twitter, Google, and the TikTok girlies. Apparently the current trend is to have your CHEEK FAT removed? Coming from a round-faced bitch, I cannot imagine. Like, isn’t that sort of a natural effect that happens as you age? What happens when you get older??
I think I’ll hang on to my pinchable cheeks for the foreseeable future.
Wholesome Fun

This is *peak* family inside joke content. Amazing. We have a specific gift that returns to the family White Elephant gift exchange every year. This year, my dad has it, and has already concocted a scheme. It never gets old.
Randomly Selected Animal Cutie
Helpful little accountcat. Plus, here’s an additional treat: a porcupine eating peanut butter.
That’s it from me! Hope you have a great weekend! I’m going to get pet dogs!