Hello, and happy Friday (the 13th! *cue ominous music*)! Another rainy day out here in the Bay Area, though I think it’s supposed to clear up mid-next week (I saw a sun on the weather app for the first time in ages!). Why come everywhere I live is rain? I specifically did not choose the Pacific Northwest! This is CALIFORNIA. I demand sunlight!
Look. Rain is fine and necessary or whatever. But why does it have to make me feel so tired?? I feel like this is some evolutionary bullshit from back when we were lil bb cavemen and clouds meant “hey you shouldn’t go outside, it’s probably dangerous, stay in the cave and take a nap today”. (But also maybe go out for just a sec and take a rain shower because there is no way early hominids did not fucking REEK.) But like now we have umbrellas, beds that aren’t rocks with leaves on them, and flushable toilets, so how come this hasn’t fallen off? This is on Darwin.
This week’s been pretty slow, overall — I’ve been very busy working on lots of personal writing projects (and doing actual work for the company that pays me, but like, who cares about that?), but have still had a bit of time to peruse the web. Plus, we’re about 2/3 of the way through the latest season of The Circle, which dropped last week. Always a fun watch. Probably the only reality show that I think I might actually do well on — simply a continuation of my lifelong training that started with AIM. Since I haven’t quite finished the season yet, I won’t say too much other than that I think Jennifer is maybe playing the best game. We’ll see how it turns out for her.
Without further ado, here’s what I’ve got for ya this week:
I’m Being Personally Attacked
I have one Gen Z’er on my team and she called something I did this week “iconic” so I’m going to try to keep living on that high for now. Mean Girls is still new and Rachel McAdams is not playing someone’s mom in stuff now, right? RIGHT?
Also: ROLODEXES!! Do you think these will come back along with cassette tapes and disposable cameras and flip phones? I hope so.
Who Approved This Product?
Brands are at it again, y’all!! This week, M&Ms announced the release of bags of M&Ms featuring only the Purple, Green, and Brown M&Ms (I capitalized those because apparently THOSE ARE THEIR “NAMES”) to support women. Yes, those are the LADY M&Ms, and you can tell because they have eyelashes.
CUT TO: a table full of men, high-fiving and shaking hands. “We did it, boys! We’re feminists, and now the whole world knows it!”
Honestly, when I’m focused on my career and “flipping the status quo”, there’s no one I look up to more than anthropomorphized chocolate candies. One of them even has glasses, just like me! Damn. Not usually an M&Ms consumer, but I’m just gonna have to go out and buy as many bags as I can now. You know, because like, #womensupportingwomen. 🙃
Wholesome Fun
I have watched this like 15 times and cannot stop giggling.
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Randomly Selected Animal Cutie

Okay so like, obviously, puppies. But this really just makes me laugh because I have so many old home movies that are just me filming our pets. We have some video somewhere labeled like “1996” that I was thrilled to watch and it’s literally just like 45 minutes of me filming our friends’ goats and saying all their names. Absolutely perfect. No notes.
That’s it from me this week — have a great weekend!