Happy birthday TMI!! I scored a 62% on the food disgust test; apparently I am most picky about hygiene, bugs, and mold lol. I would not be eating the caterpillar apple, no thank yoooou

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I was actually fine with the caterpillar!! The apple with the worm in part of it there is NO WAY but for some reason the caterpillar having walked over the peel feels better than a stranger having touched it??

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Happy 1 year, Kelley!! I scored a whopping 24%, which does not surprise me because working in restaurants really... desensitizes you in a lot of ways. But I would definitely wash the apple a caterpillar had crawled on before eating it!

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Haaaaaahahahah hilariously the caterpillar was one of the things that *didn't* bother me??? For some reason I feel like it is cleaner than a human. I would rather have the caterpillar touch my food than a chef use the same spoon to taste food!!

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