Hey hey, friends! We’re having another lovely fall Friday here in Chicago, and I am currently sitting next to the open window, basking in the sun, and gazing upon lovely yellow leaves. What more could one ask for, really?
It’s been a pretty uneventful week over here — just wrapping up some stuff for the month at work and starting in on prep for November. NOVEMBER. What even is the passage of time anymore? Ugh.
One exciting thing: I came up with a new idea for a novel this week, which is perfect because I have absolutely else nothing going on right now! HA HA HA just kidding! Toss it on the pile.
Mostly, though, I’ve been catching up on sleep, starting the new season of Shrinking, trying to un-fry my work-addled brain and, of course — perusing the world wide web.
So, without further ado: let’s get on in to the goods I’ve got for ya this week!
Rat City, Bitch
Congratulations are in order: Chicago has been named America’s “Rattiest City” for the 10th year in a row!
According to Block Club Chicago:
This “decade-long dominance” of rodent infestation can be credited to Chicago’s many alleyways which provide rodents with “hidden havens, offering plenty of space to hide while feasting on trash.”
A stunning five-star review of Chicago from what I can only guess is Rat Yelp.
A ringing endorsement for my favorite city from my favorite little scavengers. Move on in, rats! We’re happy to have you here. Just don’t eat my Doritos, please.
For the record, LA came in second place, while NYC (yes, the war-on-rats city) took a measly third.
And speaking of NYC — it seems that the important rat-proof bins touted by (disgraced) Mayor Eric Adams and his Rat Pack turned out to be…well, not at all rat-proof.

According to The Atlantic,
…the bins are not rat-proof. They are made of hard plastic. Rats can and do and will gnaw their way through them, particularly if motivated by hunger.
Of course, babe! Chicago has had plastic bins for years, and is still the Rattiest City™. You thought bins would stop the boys?? A fool’s errand.
Also, I highly recommend reading the rest of the linked article. They dig a bit deeper into how difficult it is to actually find and account for rats city-wide, some of the methods for attempting to learn about their burrows, and their favorite snacks as determined by the area in which they live.
Personally, I say we send out a little rat census taker, but the world may just not be ready for that yet.
Brands a-brandin’
No collab here — just Dunkin’ Donuts going absolutely feral in the posts advertising their new Halloween Spider Donut, which is a chocolate Munchkin seated er…directly in the…hole…of a regular donut.
Okay, pupil-free Spider Donut! Let’s not make this weird.
Also, please stop staring directly into my soul.
Back off my girl, Spider Donut. In fact, get a job. Stay away from her.
Thank you to Fast Company for saying what we were all thinking:

You know what? I can get behind this.
Let’s make all our weird holiday specialty animal-themed foods horny. Especially those creepy Easter lamb cakes. Why not?
Wholesome fun
An important reminder for all the parents out there this Halloween:

Randomly selected animal cutie
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Little Jazzy Baby Billy!! I love this. I think more dogs should be able to attend jazz concerts. You know how they do those dog days at baseball stadiums? We should do that for concerts. Dogs should be allowed to see Chappell Roan live! Dogs should be able to attend the Eras Tour! Dogs should — okay I realize I’m just naming shows I want to go to now. But dogs…probably want those things, too. I’m sure of it.
That’s it from me this week! I’m off to kick up my heels and finish filling out my mail-in ballot. If you’re in the US, consider this your (probably millionth) reminder to get out there and do your civic duty by voting! Have a good weekend!
I only want to read Rat Yelp from now on
Kind of obsessed with the Dunkin' posts, honestly. And watching Billy listen to jazz absolutely made me cry!